26 February 2012

My Crochet Date

This weekend has been pretty good

Yesterday, Saturday, my bestie and I arranged for her to come over for a day of tea, biscuits and crochet
It started with me forgetting the milk and the biscuits in the groceries..... whoops!

Anyway, it started with each of us showing off our projects done so far

Here's Karen with her blanket

and here's me with.... wait, I haven't completed anything yet

So there we sat, tea, choccie bikes and crochet hooks in hand we worked on not much at all and showed each other our techniques and how we made basic things like granny squares 

My husband was out spear-fishing that morning then got home and took this pic of us when we weren't looking

Then the conversation turned to pets 
I mentioned to husband that one of Karen's cats is called Beef 
( cause apparently she was a chubby kitten )
Then bestie started telling husband all the pets she has.
Horses, miniature ponies, cats, guinea pigs, goldfish
Sadly, one of her fish died this week

So the conversation turned to this:
Husband 'Becky can't keep goldfish alive'
Karen 'have you had fish before?'
Husband 'she did, she killed them'
Me 'they swam too close to the filter!'
Husband and Karen 'Lol'
Karen 'so did you have a them in a tank and everything?' 
( or something along those lines )
Husband 'Yip there's one in the cupboard'
Karen 'you should get some out of the pond and set it up!!!'

So, husband being bored grabbed a giant bucket and headed down to the pond 

ooh, look there's some!

yip, I think I got them

so inside came the smaller bucket and we scooped them out

 and put them in the tank

There's four in there
One white, one spotty and two orange

This morning they were still alive!

Then I forgot to feed them.....

Husband gently reminded me and I now have to feed Holly and the fish

Any name ideas?

***All thanks go to Karen and Husband for setting up the tank and catching the fish
I just followed with the camera

On another note, we have about 50 fish in the pond so if they die, replacements are free!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the best time ever hanging out and doing crochet!!
