10 September 2012

My new Niece

On Saturday I got a new niece
She's been named Addiena
Its a Welsh name meaning ' Beautiful '
And I've decided, I'm her favourite
She didn't stop looking at me once I was holding her
I've told my brother to make her middle name Rebecca
We'll have to wait and see if he chooses such and awesome name!


  1. Awww, she's so cute!

    As to you getting late for testing the hat, no worries; I'm working on a similar hat these days, which you might be interested in. :) Thanks for your appreciation! =D

    Katja / Woolly World Knits

    1. She is such a cutie!
      Thanks! I'll check out your blog so I don't miss out on the next test :-)

  2. Oh, it's so pretty! Yes, I will definitely let you know next time I have a hat pattern I need testers for. I'm finishing up a pair of mittens first, though, so it won't be until after that. :)

  3. Aw...new life is so precious. She sure does look like she's really digging her aunty in those pics :-)

  4. There is nothing as sweet as a new family member...especially little pink ones. xx
