This weekend I flew down to Christchurch for a ski weekend
I was sooooo excited!!!
I left work early so that I wouldn’t get stuck in traffic and since my flight was delayed, waited 3 hours in the domestic terminal
After locating my luggage and taking ages to find out how to get the boot open on the rental then driving to the hotel, I didn’t fall asleep until around 11:30pm
( I still didn't figure that boot out, I had to load my stuff over the back... )
We got up at 6:15am on Saturday
Jeremy’s workmate was up at 5am, amped and ready to go, bounding down the corridor in excitement
Once we were loaded up we were off and got to the mountain just as it opened
There was snow the night before so we had fresh powder and it was
The view was amazing, it was the first time I’ve been up the Southern Alps and the weather behaved itself, as it does in the south
I was pretty sore by the end of the day and while none of us wanted to leave, our muscles were pleased we did
The next morning we left later, but arrived earlier (???!!!???)
The Kea’s were busy pulling apart the snow truck so stayed away from our rental ( I don’t even know if we were even insured against them… can you be insured against Kea’s?? )
I paced myself so that I could last until 4pm since we were all pretty sore from the day before
When us girls stopped for lunch, we noticed some random Japanese guy taking our photo on his phone… weird
Then he came over and asked us to take a photo of him, turned out he wanted one with me… even weirder… People stare at me, but that’s another blog altogether!
At the end of the day we took to the beginner slopes for fun to wind down and it was great to practice my turns
I’m sure there’s stuff I’ve missed, like the boys saying it was ‘warm’ when it was 6 degrees outside on Saturday morning, then on Sunday when it was 0 degrees and we stopped briefly on the way and they said ‘it didn’t feel very cold’